
In the dynamic world of real estate investment, your pitch deck is more than just a presentation; it's the key to unlocking investor interest and funding. A well-constructed pitch deck not only showcases your property in the best light but also demonstrates your savvy as an investor. In this post, we'll guide you through the ten indispensable slides that can make your real estate pitch deck a powerful tool for success.

Slide 1: The Basics

Introduction to Your Property's Core Details

  • Overview: This slide is a concise snapshot of your property. It should include the address, size, year built, current owner, number of parking spots, purchase price, debt terms, stabilized Year of Completion (YOC), exit capitalization rate, and occupancy rates.
  • Purpose: To give investors a clear, at-a-glance understanding of the property's fundamental characteristics and financials.

Slide 2: Why This Submarket?

Analyzing Location and Growth Potential

  • Content: Discuss the growth drivers, demographics, ongoing developments, and supply/demand dynamics of the submarket.
  • Goal: To justify the strategic selection of this submarket, emphasizing its potential for growth and return on investment.

Slide 3: Why This Property Within the Submarket?

Competitive Edge and Weaknesses

  • Focus: Highlight the property's competitive advantages and acknowledge its weaknesses.
  • Objective: To provide a balanced, realistic view of the property's positioning within its submarket.

Slides 4-6: Defending Key Assumptions

In-Depth Analysis of Financials and Market Trends

  • Inclusions: These slides should cover lease comparisons, net effective sales, sale comps, tenant market analysis, and absorption metrics.
  • Purpose: To provide a detailed defense of every key assumption used in your analysis, offering transparency and depth to your financial projections.

Slide 7: Competitive Set

Benchmarking Against Peers

  • Elements: Include a comparison with directly competitive properties, top market properties, and lower-cost options.
  • Aim: To position your property within the market, showing how it stacks up against both higher and lower-end properties in terms of rent and features.

Slide 8: Key Financial Metrics

Simplifying the Financials

  • Includes: A straightforward Pro Forma or YOC analysis, all-in basis per square foot, exit PSF, unleveraged and leveraged IRR/multiple, and a clear indication of the investment's timeline.
  • Intention: To present the financials in a simple, easily understandable format, focusing on key metrics that matter to investors.

Slide 9: Upsides / Downsides

Weighing Potential Outcomes

  • Content: Outline possible positive and negative scenarios and their impact on returns.
  • Purpose: To provide a realistic view of the potential spectrum of outcomes, demonstrating both optimism and preparedness for challenges.

Slide 10+: Anything Else

The Additional Deal-Specific Details

  • Possible Inclusions: More detailed debt information, capital plan, entitlements required, tenant information, maps, photos, etc.
  • Goal: To cover any other crucial, deal-specific information that didn't fit into the previous slides but is important for a comprehensive understanding of the investment opportunity.


Crafting an effective real estate pitch deck is an art that requires balancing detail with simplicity, and optimism with realism. By following this structure for your ten slides, you'll be able to present a compelling, comprehensive view of your investment opportunity, positioning you for success in the competitive realm of real estate investment.

Remember, your pitch deck is your story - tell it with clarity, confidence, and a keen eye on what your investors need to know.